If you are like me, you likely have heard the term “human trafficking,” but never knew the true definition of the term. Before being awakened to the big picture, I conceptualized human trafficking based on what I had seen in movies and TV shows. These mediums portray Human Trafficking as a sexually violent crime where victims are assaulted or threatened with violence. I am here to tell you, that perception merely scratches the surface of the crime’s meaning. Please, allow me to explain.
Human Trafficking is an umbrella term widely used to refer to a crime where perpetrators exploit and profit at the expense of another person by compelling them to perform commercial sex acts or labor AGAINST HIS OR HER WILL. The Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) defines human trafficking as the use of force, fraud, or coercion to compel someone to perform labor or a commercial sex act. What does all of that mean? All you have to do is remember 3 words:
Human Trafficking occurs when a person takes action and employs the means of force, fraud, or coercion for the PURPOSE of getting the victim to provide commercial sex acts, labor, or services.
If you have one element from all 3 categories, you’ve established a potential human trafficking situation. The only exception to this is when the victim is under the age of 18. In any situation where a minor under the age of 18 is persuaded into commercial sex, it is considered human trafficking regardless of any indicators of force, fraud, or coercion.
As you can see, there is no “single type” of Human Trafficking! Know the signs of human trafficking and join the fight against it.
If you suspect a case of human trafficking, call THE NATIONAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING HOTLINE: 1.888.373.7888
911 Cell Phone Bank
2750 E Silver Springs Blvd
Ocala, FL 34470
© 2014-2025 The Charitable Recycling Foundation
The 911 Cell Phone Bank is an initiative of the Charitable Recycling Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Tax ID 20-5050475).